Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Sometimes the hardest part of my job is the things I lack.

There is a serious lack of empathy, funds, resources, and motivation. These things combined lead to a serious lack of a solution the problem that is Domestic Violence.

Have a client that needs therapy, but your therapist is full? Tough shit. Oh, said client doesn't have private health insurance? Good fucking luck. Oh, the Department of Mental Health is closed and doesn't have a waiting list? Sorry client, go home and try to deal.

Other staff members joke about how client is crazy, or make light of rape, or just don't understand why someone would have an abortion, turn to drugs, put a child up for adoption, turn to prostitution to make money. Realize that they lack empathy and understanding, and only one of those can be learned.

Our program is full? Sorry, have to turn people away. No it isn't a matter of you being able to pay, we physically do not have the funding, staff, or room for more clients. Solution? Cut the budget some more!

Client doesn't have a GED/High school Diploma? Give client the number to the adult school, advise them to call, client never calls. Become frustrated because you know that the client is capable of earning said diploma, but is unable to motivate themselves to do so because they are so emotionally scarred. Attempt to find client a therapist; start cycle all over again.

Today was a rough day.

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